
What mats to use in your car in winter?

In winter motorists face the big question – what mats are best to put in the car? Snow and mud soil and even ruin the interior, so everyone is looking for the most reliable way to protect their car. A good mat should be moisture-resistant and simple to use.

An experienced driver will tell you rubber mats are best in winter. They trap melting snow and water and do not let them get in contact with the carpeting. They are also easy to wash. The most practical for Russian winter are raised-edge rubber mats. They protect the car interior even in the heaviest of snowstorms. You can be assured that molten snow won’t touch the carpeting.

An additional advantage of rubber floor mats is their durability. Given proper use, they will serve you for many years. Just take out the mats after a trip and drain the water. Sometimes a quick rub with wet cloth helps as well.

Seintex online store offers two types of rubber mats that protect your car against winter weather:

Buy two sets of floor mats and get free delivery! Besides, all our products come with three-year warranty.